Friday, May 11, 2012

Texans in Congress say they’ll keep backing fighter project despite massive cost overruns": Constructive criticism Blog stage 6

I couldn't agree with you more Linda. The spending of this jet ($1.4 trillion) is way too high for any country, let alone a country that is trillions of dollars in debt. With that being said the only conclusion I could come to as to why Congressmen in Texas want to keep this plane alive is the jobs its creating for the Dallas-Forth Worth area. With that Being said, rather than saving this super expensive toy with Texas government money trying to keep jobs, I say take the money, part ways from the damn near impossible jet and use it to create the jobs they are trying to indirectly save.

With that being said the government's argument is that it would provide a better way of safety. My thought is this; we are the most powerful country in the nation. Why do we need a jet that will cost $1.4 trillion dollars if we are already the big dogs on campus? Rather than spending money to show who has the bigger gun, I say spend it on creating more jobs to stabilize Texas' economy in the near future, or exactly what you said Linda, keeping our children in school, and keeping them healthy with health care which in turn will stabilize our future since our future starts with our children.

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